Federated Cloud Server

Share and collaborate on documents, send and receive email, manage your calendar and have video chats without data leaks

Federated Cloud Server

Share and collaborate on documents, send and receive email, manage your calendar and have video chats without data leaks

20Gig Federated Private Cloud

1 Core vCPU
1024M RAM
20Gig SSD Storage
Linux OS Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Uncapped Traffic
1 Static IP
MySql DB or MariaDB
PhP 7.0 or higher
Apache or Nginx

50Gig Federated Private Cloud

1 Core vCPU
2048M RAM
50Gig SSD Storage
Linux OS Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Uncapped Traffic
1 Static IP
MySql DB or MariaDB
PhP 7.0 or higher
Apache or Nginx

100Gig Federated Private Cloud

2 Core vCPU
3072M RAM
100Gig SSD Storage
Linux OS Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Uncapped Traffic
1 Static IP
MySql DB or MariaDB
PhP 7.0 or higher
Apache or Nginx